I was considering the death of keywords and domain names. Here is what I believe is going to happen over the next year if not sooner:
1) Keywords will be supplanted by relational phrases
2) Domain names will be supplanted by Twitter Usernames
So before your sitting there saying god this guy is a complete dumb ass just roll with it for a second or two. Finally with the advent of infrastructure on the web becoming stable many of the technologies that were around circa 89′ / 99′ have come back into the fray. Here is a laundry list in no particular order of importance: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Intelligence, Predictive Analytics. Some have parts of others and some are considered umbrellas of other technologies. The importance of the infrastructure being in place is phenomenal. We used to have to worry about things like co-location,bandwidth,storage etc and now it is a given. EC2,S3 and the like have made these worries a non entity and we can get down to the business of creating intelligent computing – finally. Twitter Trending a (#) hashtag on follow Friday is nothing more than creating your own intelligent content delivery (iCDN) system abliet at this time human powered. There is the ability to have relational and semantics across those and also fusing the symbolic with the semantic. Don’t think its possible? http://www.mashmeup.com Enter a complete URL and watch what happens. No Keywords. No Adwords. So what does that leave to bid on in the world of search or ads? What if you didn’t have your precious AdWords to buy or Keywords to put into your SEO? We have to come up with a different model. How about a model of barter arbitrage based on the immediate viewership in the moment? Just In Time Content Creation that can be trended and optimized. When we used to think about this there was no animal such as device edge caching. Done. There was no animal-like Support Vector Machines in real-time. Done. We are at a precipice where this is possible and we are seeing it. There is however the issue of privacy and creating a personalized in moment web world for you that I will discuss on a different bloggatorium. That said we will start bidding on information in situ and not based on the banal keyword. I can hear it now. Keywords were so 2010.
Given we will not longer have keywords to bid on what’s in a name? Mashable. Jack. PerezHilton. You get the picture. I am sure most of you have already barnstormed the TwitterVerse much like the heyday of the early days of domain names. There are still some nuggets out there. However, just look at the traffic. It is amazing to think that Twitter was an accident. I like to call Twitter the Narscisstic Attention Deficit Disorder Network (aka NADD). There have already been some rumblings on the back channel of how much is the going price for the top 10 slots. Immediate hits on your page (back to my first point). How does the Twitter Username semantically relate to what is happening in the moment? How about changing your Twitter UserName to fit the moment and then bid? A new Stock Market Model. The opportunities.
Then again I could be totally wrong.
Very Cool
Very Cool
Nice work. Is there a data feed so we are notified when there’s a new post?
Nice work. Is there a data feed so we are notified when there’s a new post?