Hoek, Doc, Sven
                                                               Hoek, Doc, Sven


“With heart and hand I pledge you while I load my gun again, you will never be forgotten or the enemy forgiven, my good comrade.” ~ A.S.L.

“If my comrade doubts I laugh confidently
If my comrade sleeps I keep the watch for him
If my comrade falls I fight on for the both of us
Because to every warrior the gods have given a comrade.” ~ Song Of The Comrade, Blood Axis

Very late one night I was looking into some music and ran across a song entitled: “Waves” by the Bahamas.  For some reason I thought of my comrade as soon as I heard this:

“And I held the breath inside my lungs for days
And I saw myself as one of many waves
And when I knew I’d become the ocean’s slave
I just stayed.”

I know that Sven died doing what he loved. Free-diving.  I remember when he told me he wanted a boat to sail around the world.  I said, “Well let us see if we can accelerate things so you can get down to doing just that and get out of here.”

About three years ago I was talking to someone during an initial interview who in many ways reminded me of the Sven – even only about a half hour on the phone.  After about two hours talking (this guy wasn’t looking for a job and already had more than 20 job offers at scale.)  I asked this person what he really wanted.  Without hesitation he said “A boat to sail around the world”.  In fact it turned out to be the same type the Sven wanted and earned.  I grew deathly silent.  He asked what was wrong and did he screw the “interview” up.  I said no in fact quite the opposite and I asked if he had some time and I would tell him a story.    Synchronistic events in action.  There are no coincidences in life.

Due to all of our interests  back in 1998 I promised Sven if anything ever happened to him I would watch over his lovely wife and two amazing sons who are now young men practicing in the footsteps of their old man.  I can unequivocally say he would be very proud of both of them.

Last year I thought for some reason it was time to quit thinking about “all of this.” whatever this is.  Remembering those who lived loud and indulged in the greatest indulgence – life.  The I realized that is not something to quit remembering.

To switch gears for something that will forever be recorded in the annals of hatred for certain technologies  – even though he was one of the best programmers of all time.  As you watch: you know you have always wanted to do that and he did it with a brand new system:


After that give this a listen.  One breath.  Take a deep breath today and hopefully go underwater and remember Sven.  He would appreciate it.

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