In Memoriam – Steven Swenson March 13, 1967 – September 11, 2005

“With heart and hand I pledge you while I load my gun again, you will never be forgotten or the enemy forgiven, my good comrade.”

~ A.S.L.

Well time contracts when you are taking care of business.  Another year has passed.  Most are acting like they are patriotic talking about the terrorist activity in the United States of America.  My hat tip to John Hoekman who ran down 87 flights of stairs in the North Tower after trying to save several persons.  An individual and comrade who is a cut above most.  That is all I have to say on that matter.  Hoekmaster Hails!

For those that know you know what I write about every year on this date since 2005.  Its been 8 years.  For those that are not aware you can and should refer to this link:  HAIL THE SVEN.

As a society we are loosing the concept of the true Tribal Nature of Man.  On this day we lost a husband, father, waterman and I lost one of my tribe and comrades Steven Swenson.  

I will never forget.

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